This spring rolls are made not the traditional one which is with ground meat but with ground/chopped Soya Chunks. As a substitute to meat and for those who are fun of vegan or veggies even strict vegetarian this recipe is for you 😉

Soya Chunks is good source of protein. Soya chunks made from soybean are soft. Soybean reduces diabetes good for diabetice like me 😉   Helpful against type-2 diabetes. They said, it aids in increasing the metabolism and production of insulin in the liver. Thus, addition of this in the diet can be really helpful for diabetic patients just like me.


There are different preparation of soya chunks specially in Indian Cooking. But this one was just my experiment as a substitute to ground meat. Itz turned oiut good and my two kids love it specially my daughter. Mostly I found the recipe with curryor coconut milk, maybe next time I will give a try…what do you think you Indian Berks?!  😀
image_01YOU NEED…….

* 2 cups of Soya Chunks

* 1 pc. Onion, peeled and chopped

* 1pc Carrot, big, peeled and chopped

*  2tbsps. Olive Oil

* 2 pcs. Eggs

* Lumpia Wrapper

* 1 pc. Broth Cube

* Salt and Pepper to taste

* Some Vegetable Oil for frying


+++  Boil the dried Soya Chunks before using further, you just need to boil it for few minutes in sufficient amount of water until they become soft and fluffy. Then drained and chopped. Carrot and onion peeled and chopped. With 2 tblespoon olive oil saute onion and carrot until carrot is cooked, mix all together in a bowl: soya chunks, carrot, onion, two eggs, salt, pepper and one broth cube chicken or pork according to your preference. I used chicken broth cube. Then wrapped and fry. Served with dip sauce like vinegar with pepper powder and chopped garlic. Guten Appetit  😉

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